How to create modelled sheets in Workday Adaptive Planning

What is a modelled sheet? Modelled sheets are unique tabular style sheets which allow you to perform data entry to drive calculations.

On this page, we demonstrate:

  • How to create modelled sheets in Workday Adaptive Planning
  • Formulas commonly used in modelled accounts for a labour model
  • How to import data into modelled sheets

How to create a modelled sheet in Workday Adaptive Planning (Adaptive Insights)

  1. Under Model Management, select Level Assigned Sheets and select New Sheet from the bottom.

    Modelled sheets

  2. Provide a name and prefix for the sheet, such as Labour Model and ensure a blank modelled sheet (advanced) is selected and select Next.

    create new sheet

  3. Select Columns and Levels.
  4. From the left hand side of the screen select data entry columns. These are the types of columns available for you to add into your sheet.
  5. Some of the common column types are Text, Number, Date, text selector and check box.
  6. You can drag and drop these columns into the canvas and fill out the general properties on the right hand side of the screen.

    columns on sheets

  7. Now from the Labour Model sheet we can input data into the columns we just created.

    input data in sheets

  8. To follow an in-depth demonstration of how to build a modelled sheet, watch the video below.

After you have created your columns, you can begin to create modelled accounts. 

9. Under model management select Edit next to the sheet name and then select Modelled Accounts

edit modelled sheets

10. Select create a new calculated account from the toolbar at the top of the screen

create new calculated account

Formulas commonly used in modelled accounts for a labour model

Some of the common modelled accounts for a labour model is a partial head count, head count and monthly salary calculation. These are formulas you can use.

Partial Headcount:

partial headcount formula


heacount formula

Monthly Salary:

monthly salary formula


How to import data into modelled sheets

We can use an upload template to import many rows of data into our modelled sheet.

  1. Navigate to Integration and then Import Data.

    import data adaptive insights

  2. Select the version and sheet you want to import data into. In this case it is Working Budget and Labour Model. Select Download Template.

    download template adaptive insights

  1. You can use this Excel template to enter data into, keeping in mind your level code and payroll location must be an exact match to what is in Workday Adaptive Planning.

    Excel template

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