Case study: A not-for-profit getting the right financial and business insights

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cohealth is a not-for-profit community health organisation that delivers a range of low cost, high quality accessible health care, support services and community programs. 
Their finance team was using a legacy accounting system that was clunky, and their budgeting and planning process was manual with no forecasting capabilities. They upgraded to using Microsoft Business Central which delivered much more functionality. However, cohealth was still lacking a real reporting function. 
After trailing various software options, cohealth found a suitable solution in Workday Adaptive Planning. Learn how they worked with QMetrix to achieve seamless integration with Microsoft Business Central, a 12-month rolling forecast, fit-for-purpose reporting, and huge time savings for the finance team. 
Director Finance and Reporting at cohealth, Cathy Williams, says, “Since implementing Workday Adaptive Planning there have been huge time and cost savings for cohealth. The speed at which our finance team works to complete daily tasks is now incredible! It seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Business Central and links financials with non-financials, making it a breeze for the rest of the organisation”.

cohealth case study cover

Consulting solution: Budgeting and planning
Technology solution: 
Workday Adaptive Planning

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