Solutions for Aged Care

Aged care providers – including home care and residential care – have the challenge of balancing service quality and profitability while adhering to governance.

Solutions for Aged Care

The aged care industry operates in a landscape of an ageing population and rising demand for services. Budgeting, forecasting and planning is complex and has its challenges.

When planning in the aged care sector, finance teams need to factor in fluctuations to occupancy rates, changes to funding models like AN-ACC, payment structures (RAD, RAC, DAP, DAC), investments in CAPEX and more.

By moving away from spreadsheet-based processes or legacy systems, finance teams can be empowered by technology that helps speed up forecast cycles, improve month-end reporting accuracy and foster greater collaboration across teams. This leads to more informed decision making, enhanced service delivery, and better quality of care for residents and the elderly in Australia.

Learn more about Budgeting and Planning solutions for aged care.

aged care doctor talking senior man indoors
aged care woman with grandmother

Over time, a resident’s healthcare needs, medical professionals, insurer, or residential address or circumstances may change. Having a single view of each resident across all systems is important for understanding your customer and efficient use of resources and cost management.

With the right technology, aged care providers can synchronise resident information across all systems, ensuring smooth and consistent interactions throughout their care journey, while enabling timely and accurate analysis for valuable insights.

Learn more about Master Data Management solutions.

Supercharge your Aged Care financial planning
with Workday Adaptive Planning

Fast Track for Aged Care
An FP&A solution for Aged Care

QMetrix offers a comprehensive pre-configured FP&A solution that addresses the specific needs of the aged care sector. It is built on Workday Adaptive Planning, a best-in-class cloud-planning and analytics platform. The Fast Track for Aged Care includes revenue, workforce labour cost, overhead cost and capex planning.

Some of our aged care and healthcare clients

Infinite Care logo
BASScare logo
Integria logo web
Defence Health logo
nib health funds
PRC Logo Primary RGB
ECH logo
Beyond Blue Logo
perrigo australia
cohealth logo
Blue and green Australian Health Service Alliance logo

QMetrix is an Associate Partner of the Aged & Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA).

Infinite Care, infinite possibilities

Infinite Care was doing detailed financial modelling for its facilities on Excel. It was a laborious process that needed improvement. Learn how we implemented a financial planning system and delivered results including: 

  • The ability to do monthly rolling forecasts 75% faster
  • Complex financial models which are simpler to use and less labour intensive
  • Budget delivered two months earlier
  • Ability to scenario plan and make decisions more efficiently

Financial and strategic planning for aged care

Aged care providers face challenges ranging from policy changes to a shortage of skilled workers and the need for complex care models. In this whitepaper, we explore these challenges and examine the vital role finance plays to mitigate financial risks, ensure compliance and enhance efficiency of aged care providers.

Industry Insights

Find out how to harness data to enhance quality of care and deliver operational excellence as an aged care provider

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